Monday, 10 February 2014

Garlic Bread Cubes

Good morning/evening depending on where you live!

So yeah I'm officially posting the first post, finally.
Bread Cubes? why bother posting something so simple and obvious you may say? 
well it's because I've decide to start it simple, and I've wanted to share my take on bread cubes.
Soups is a popular menu option in our house and as you know, bread cubes is the loyal friend of soups !

Let's get started then, shall we ?!

Ingredients as shown in picture:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Powder
Italian Herbs (Forget to take a photo, sorry)
Your choice of either white or brown toast bread ( I prefer brown)

Start off by brushing the two sides of bread slice with olive oil. Then sprinkle some Garlic powder & Italian Herbs on both sides as well.

Cut them into equal squares, One slice could make 9 cubes I suppose.

Arrange the cubes into a baking sheet, no need for oiling.
Ovens are different but I guess putting them in the middle rack on a medium heat will do just fine.
They usually take 8-12 min, don't forget to flip them in the middle.

Here they're! A little touch of that golden brown. enough crispness and ready to be dunked in your soup!

Serve your favorite soup (this one is mushroom cream) and top them with your crunchy bread cubes and enjoy~!

That's it for today. and again, sorry for being it too simple it's my first time sharing my what-so-called recipes so I'm kinda awkward.

Leave a comment down blew so I can know if I should stop or keep going, 

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